Privacy Policy


The following privacy policies apply to:

  • The Bird of a Thousand Songs
  • The watermelon salesman
  • Mr William Mc Crow's Fantastic Aviary


1. We only collect anonymous data

We only use storage on your device to save your language preferences. We never collect personally identifiable information (such as name, address, phone or email).

Of course we also do not collect information from the little ones who use our apps. If you think we have collected data or have any questions, please write to us immediately at

2. We never store data from your location

Even if your device has a built-in GPS we never make use of your location or store it in any way.

3. We never share your information with third parties

As mentioned earlier, we do not collect any personal information in our applications. From the above you can also be segur@ that we won't share your data with anyone.

4. Our apps have no ads or advertising

We don't work with ad companies, so you can be sure that no online advertising provider collects information from you.

5. Links to the internet from our app

Our apps include some links to external sites (such as our Facebook profile, our website, and other apps from us on iTunes). We've taken some steps to prevent your little ones from leaving the app through one of these links. However, we think it's very important that you talk to your kids about how to make good use of the device and the sites they should and don't visit.

6. Write to us if you have any questions about our policy

If you have any questions, comments or questions about our privacy policy, simply write to us at